Speeds invoicing
Remembers customers, products, and services
Calculates sales tax for you
Prepares you for tax time
Tracks records for income, payroll, and sales tax
Payroll in minutes
Calculates payroll earnings and deductions
Prints payroll voucher checks
Prints 940 and 941 forms; prints on W-2 and W-3 forms
Tax tables available through paid subscription
Tracks checking accounts
Updates and reconciles balances instantly
Writes and prints checks
New! Sorts registers five ways
Tracks who owes you money
Automatically tracks each invoice until paid
Handles cash and credit sales
Calculates finance charges on overdue invoices
Shows what you owe
Shows how much you owe and when
Calculates vendor discounts
Prints on 1099-MISC forms
Tracks inventory and POs
Shows you what’s on hand and what’s on order
Inventory reports include stock status, open POs, and valuation