Question – My payment was mailed weeks ago, but the Post Office was unable to deliver it. What should I do?

Answer – If you have not received your payment within 14 days of the payment date, check the Get My Payment tool periodically. If the IRS receives your payment back because the Post Office was unable to deliver it, the IRS will update your payment status on the Get My Payment tool to “Need More Information,” at which point you will be able to enter your bank account information.

If you don’t provide your bank account information, then the IRS will hold your EIP until it receives your updated address. To update your address, go to the IRS’s webpage “Address changes.”

Question – Get My Payment shows that my EIP was issued but I never received it. How do I get a new one?

Answer – If Get My Payment shows your EIP was issued but you have not received it and it has been more than five days since the scheduled deposit date (or more than four weeks since it was mailed by check; six weeks if you have a forwarding address on file with the local post office; nine weeks if you have a foreign address), you should initiate a trace on your EIP by calling the IRS at 800-919-9835 or you may submit Form 3911 (Taxpayer Statement Regarding Refund). If you call, please be advised that you may experience long wait times or recorded assistance due to limited staffing. If you submit the form and you are Married Filing Joint, both spouses must sign the form.

This information comes directly for the IRS FAQs about “Get My Payment” economic impact payment status (05/22/2020).