Selling Appreciated Property?

Delay the Tax With An Installment Sale When selling property like land, rentals or business property an installment sale may delay the tax and even lower the tax bracket on some of the sales proceeds. An installment sale is when the seller provides part, or all, of...

Tax Jail Does Exist

Yes, you can end up in jail for hiding income from the IRS. U.S. citizens and residents are required to report all income received from all sources both inside and outside the U.S. Apart from income specifically excluded for tax under the IRS code, all income is...

Taxes Are Voluntary Right?

WRONG. This is an old and false argument which the courts have dismissed time and time again. U.S. taxes are not voluntary. The U.S. tax system is based on the principle of compulsory compliance, meaning that taxpayers are legally obligated to pay their taxes as...